Le Edizioni Musicali Bèrben pubblicano un nuovo CD dedicato alla musica di Angelo Gilardino. Il progetto è stato registrato dai giovani virtuosi della Manhattan School of Music (NY, USA) e finanziato dalla Augustine Foundation.
Ecco l’annuncio di Angelo Gilardino sulla sua pagina Facebook:
[box type=”info” ]Edizioni Bèrben, Ancona, Italia has just released a CD which I am particularly fond of. Recorded by young virtuosos of the Manhattan School of Music under the guidance of Professor David Leisner (who added to the program his outstanding interpretation of one of my solo guitar works, “Ocram”, written on 1973), it features my work for Guitar and Piano entitled “Del rosato albeggiare” and my guitar quartet entitled “Feste lontane – Sinfonietta”. I feel very grateful to all the interpreters and to all those who cooperated to make such a project possibile, especially to Professor Mark Delpriora, whose idea this CD was, and to the Augustine Foundation, who supported it financially.[/box]
Per ordini e informazioni: info@berben.it