Lettere a Fryderyk

Thank you Alberto Mesirca for your excellent recording (to which I listened yesterday) of my Sonata for Guitar entitled “Lettere a Fryderyk” and for having decided to incorporate it in your next CD devoted to Italian contemporary composers (not guitarist-composers!). You can’t image how many people are in wait of…

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Sonata for Solo Guitar “Lettere a Fryderyk”

Just delivered to Edizioni Curci the files – ready for print – of one of my best achievements as a composer: the Sonata for Solo Guitar “Lettere a Fryderyk”. Here the text of the short foreward introducing the work: I composed this Sonata in 2014 for Łukasz Kuropaczewski, the great…

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Sonata “Lettere a Fryderyk”

Angelo Gilardino termina la stesura della sua nuova sonata per chitarra sola dal titolo “Lettere a Fryderyk”. La composizione è molto diversa dalle precedenti sonate dello stesso autore; ampie sezioni monodiche, colori chiari e freschi e uso del contrappunto barocco. La sonata è dedicata al chitarrista Łukasz Kuropaczewski. La sonata…

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