Eighteen Concertos

My countryfellow (Piedmont, West-Northern Italy) Giovanni Battista Viotti wrote 29 concertos for his own instrument (the Violin) and Orchestra. I will never reach such a target, but nobody, in the future, will accuse me of laziness. So far, I have written 18 concertos, where the Guitar, either as a solo,…

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Enzo Gazzone

Maestro della pittura vercelllese della prima metà del Novecento, Enzo Gazzone ha lasciato una collezione di 40 dipinti sul ciclo della coltivazione del riso (“Rapsodia della risaia). Paesaggista insigne, in questo dipinto non datato ma con ogni probabilità risalente agli anni Cinquanta, tocca uno dei suoi vertici: la campagna vercellese…

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Lettere a Fryderyk

Thank you Alberto Mesirca for your excellent recording (to which I listened yesterday) of my Sonata for Guitar entitled “Lettere a Fryderyk” and for having decided to incorporate it in your next CD devoted to Italian contemporary composers (not guitarist-composers!). You can’t image how many people are in wait of…

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