Due to my age and health conditions, I cannot travel to the places I love for a holiday, this year: no Sicilia, no Sardegna. Travelling is too dangerous to me.
But I have a secure way to fight hot and wet weather, here at Vercelli: besides actioning the air dryer, I am doing something which I never did in the past. I never wrote music during August, a dreadful month in my life, and I always tried to reach September with as little damages as possible. No, I decided to fight the adverse month with composing! And not just some minor pages, I want to squeeze the best from this old brain. So, I am attacking the list of the promises I have to fill. The first one is for a tryptich for solo guitar: with it, I aim to please myself for the quality of the music and three friends whom I owe these pieces – one for each of them – since longtime. I have no idea about why I decided to give to the cycle the title it shows (“Red”), and the titles of each single piece. The first one, which I started writing one week ago, is now finished, and I am firmly convainced of my purpose of bringing the other two to a satisfactory end within a short time. The titles of the other two pieces, related to the red color like the first one, are: “Roses” (for Alberto Barberis, a dear friend of mine since decades, who skilfully plays guitar an a hobby, being a chemist) and “Arenas” (for Matteo Osmieri, a young student of Luigi Biscaldi, and an affectionate performer of my works).

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